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Keynote session

The new role of logistics in the face of constant change: trends, strategies, creating competitive advantages

19 September 2023


Continuous economic changes and current market realities have brought logistics to a new significant stage of development. Supply chains have been restructured, geographical focus has shifted, and companies have rethought approaches to the efficiency of logistics processes. Business requires logistics leaders to be innovative and dynamic in order to stay competitive and deliver maximum value to customers.

We will talk about how production and retail will develop under the conditions of external restrictions and internal drivers, about the increased role of marketplaces and their impact on the company's logistics processes, about the difficulties of the warehouse market and the shortage of operating personnel, we will talk in the opening trend session.

Speakers are experienced managers of leading manufacturing, retail and logistics companies who, with their desire for development, the ability to quickly adapt and balance on the verge of risks and opportunities, adequately support business in leading positions.

Issues for discussion: