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Expert session

Automation of warehouse logistics: trends and technologies. Finding solutions in the face of change

20 September 2023



We live in the age of high technology, but still one of the serious problems of the warehouse market is a large amount of manual labor, or processes that go through a "piece of paper". This situation generates slow processing, errors and generally inefficient processes. But in order to approach automation issues, logistics managers must formulate the tasks that they would like to solve with automation, understand the structure of the supply market, assess what risks may arise during implementation, and what risks can be avoided when the system is launched. Yes, and how to understand that it's time, or will we still stretch it? And if the system is already running, but does not give the expected result, what should I do?

We invited experts who are deeply immersed in the topic of automation, have themselves gone the way of launching an automated warehouse and are ready to share their experience with colleagues.

Issues for discussion:

- Is it worth thinking about the automation of warehouse processes in 2023?
- What exactly can be automated and by what means?
- Possible scenarios for implementation, taking into account changes in the market situation?
- How to implement and maintain the chosen solutions?