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Self-written WMS or implementation of a ready-made solution - which is more profitable? Underwater rocks

20 September 2023


компания Прогресс
Progress LLC is a Russian IT company included in the register of accredited organizations in the field of information technology of the Ministry of Communications.

Progress LLC has been presenting advanced PSI software products on the Russian market since 2019 and is implementing integrated automated systems for industrial, energy, transport and logistics enterprises.

Warehouse logistics is the key activity of the Progress company.

In 2022, based on the PSIwms 2022 system, Progress specialists created a specialized version of the system for the Russian market - UPwms.

The following unique modifications have been added to UPwms:

- Full support for the free PostgreSQL DBMS.

- Full support for free OS Astra Linux

- Support for the requirements of the EGAIS3 Marking systems and the Honest Sign.

The UPwms warehouse management system includes international logistics know-how, taking into account the specifics and requirements of the Russian warehouse logistics market.

The extensive functionality implemented in the UPwms system fully ensures the operation of distribution centers, warehouses supplying production in various industries, as well as in the warehouses of logistics operators.

The flexibility of the settings system, adaptable functionality and modular construction of UPwms guarantee an individual approach to the technological processes of customers for the efficient operation of a particular warehouse.

Надежная архитектура и встроенная масштабируемость обеспечивают высокопроизводительную обработку больших объемов данных и позволяют автоматизировать работу сразу нескольких объектов различной сложности и размера.

Программное обеспечение UPwms внесено в Единый реестр российских программ для электронных вычислительных машин и баз данных, номер реестровой записи: 15187.

В ходе презентации мы обсудим вопросы, связанные с разработкой, внедрением и развитием WMS собственным коллективом заказчика, обсудим риски. , преимущества и недостатки данного подхода при внедрении коммерческой WMS.